🥇The fundamental role of content in companies’ IT decision-making process

Informa Tech, a business consultancy firm, has just published a study on the IT purchasing process of B2B companies*. Here are the main findings.

A/ How much confidence do IT decision-makers have in IT marketing specialists?

The inaugural index shows that B2B technology purchasing decision-makers’ confidence in marketers is 61 on a scale of 1 to 100, indicating that while there are solid building blocks, there is still a long way to go.

1/ IT decision-makers’ expectations

A 1st indicator is clearly emerging: brands need to raise the quality of their content to generate conversions.

When it comes to buying B2B technologies, 3 out of 5 decision-makers say they trust most or all of what marketers share with them.

Par ailleurs, 71 % des répondants se disent parfois déçus par la valeur du contenu B2B, notamment le contenu fermé, c’est à dire sur demande.

2/ Underperformance

Another important indicator is that B2B technology purchasing decision-makers believe that undifferentiated content degrades a company’s image, as does ‘dated’ content.

Solving this problem could considerably improve future marketing confidence index scores.

B/ What makes B2B content trustworthy?

In B2B, buying decisions are complex and require careful thought, especially in an uncertain economic climate where every purchase is scrutinised. More than ever, substantive content is king!

B2B technology buyers were asked to select up to 3 qualities that make B2B content trustworthy.

  • Content from trusted publishers such as the trade press and BtoB news sites
  • Content that provides up-to-date data and case studies
  • Content shared between peers
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The study also provides information on marketing behaviours that can affect purchasing relationships.

C/ Why do decision-makers interact with content?

  • Keep abreast of industry trends and new solutions
  • Refine and enhance your skills
  • Be able to share this knowledge with your teams

D/ 4 key points to remember

88% of the executives surveyed anticipate an increase in their tech investment budgets for 2024. Here are the ways in which we can better meet their expectations:

  • Produce content with high technological and strategic added value that differentiates your brand
  • Create personalised pathways to provide clear answers at every stage of the decision-making process
  • Decline and adapt your messages to the right format depending on the media used
  • Syndicate your content with BtoB publishers to engage in dialogue and share your announcements!

Source of study Informatech : 2023 Trust in Marketing Index: How B2B Marketers can fill the trust gap

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IT PROCOM, publisher of SMART DSI and the www.iTPro.fr website, supports ESNs in the production of guides and white papers.

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