🥇 #TransfoNum: Top 5 themes most favoured by IT Pros

The iTPro.fr editorial committee has compiled a list of the issues that have attracted the most interest from IT Professionals in 2021…

Paced and structured by the pandemic crisis, 2021 will be remembered as a year of transition to the ‘New Normal’. A second year under pressure to adapt the workings of society and digital service environments to the time of the pandemic and restrictions on travel and gatherings.

Looking back to 2021, what are the columns and issues most popular with IT professionals? What are their main concerns?

For the 5 themes most favoured by IT Professionals in 2021, 🏆 the top 3 nominees are:

⛳ IT Challenges & Outlook

Top 3 strategic changes for CIOs

⛅ Cloud

Cloud migration: 5 tips for a successful transition

💪 Security

Anticipating IT crisis management: what are the keys to success?

You can read the Top 5 most popular dossiers by iTPro.fr readers here on the Enjeux IT channel.

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Renaud Rosset – IT Procom

Tél. +33 1 39 04 24 80  –  rrosset(@)itpro.fr

iTPro.fr – SMART DSI – iTPro europe – IT Digital Corner – Enjeux IT

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